Month: August 2019

RFilter : as Awq, but in Ruby !

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A little tool (400 LOC) for working on UNIX piping filtering.

No gem ! get file at Github :

Usage by pipe or by filenames arguments:

cat ddd | rfilter ‘expression’
rfilter [-F regexp-field-separator] ‘expression’ *.txt

expression = ruby code, special fonctions can be use : sum(arg),tohcount(a,1),plot()…
special variables are : _ (line splited); _0 (all line as string), _1 (first word), _2 , nol (no of line),

Speciale globals variables :
$pending | at the end if filtering, pretty-print if defined (used by sum(),tohcount(),plot())….
$line | content of current line
$oldline | contant of last line readed


Count number of file which have size bigger than 1K:

ls -l | rfilter ‘p _0 if _5.to_i>1024’ | rfilter ‘sum 1’

Count total size of files which have size bigger than 1K:

ls -l | rfilter ‘sell {_5.to_i>1024}’ | rfilter ‘sum _5’

Count LOC of shell-script files

find . -type f -name ‘.sh’ -exec cat {} \; | rfilter ‘sell {_0!=/^\s#/ && _0.size>0}’ | rfilter ‘sum 1’

Format lines if condition

ls -l a*.rb | rfilter “format_if(‘%15s | %10s’,_9,_5) { _5.to_i>1}”
a.rb | 864
abool.rb | 888
allways.rb | 698
anac.rb | 5777

Plot curve of http consommation by hours via nginx logs :

# First, examinaize the structude of log:

egrep “GET|POST” ssl_acces.log | rfilter show
_1 => ‘’
_2 => ‘-‘
_3 => ‘-‘
_4 => ‘[18/Zey/2019:02:19:44’
_5 => ‘+0200]’
_6 => ‘”GET’
_7 => ‘/appliserveur/http/ddddd.cgi’
_8 => ‘HTTP/1.1″‘
_9 => ‘200’
_10 => ’74’
_11 => ‘”-“‘
_12 => ‘”Java/3.2.0_1″‘

# so hour is in field _4 :

egrep “GET|POST” ssl_acces.log | tail -10000 |
rfilter ‘st=_4[12..-1] ; t=Time.parse(st) ; tohcount(t.hour,1)’ |
rfilter ‘plot(_4)’